Indie Entertainment Studio

Game Development & Animation

‎ ‎ About Us ‎ ‎

What is Cornered Key?

We are a small group of passionate developers who only care about quality. We started with creating Roblox games, but we moved to what we call “engine games”. These games will be higher quality and downloadable. The goal is to bring the best experiences for gamers and make Cornered Key a known name.

Our Future Goals

  • Expand our interests, not just games, but also productivity tools!
    • For this, we already have well documented plans for a simple to use animation software.
    • And we started planning an advanced canvas-based notes app.
  • Create ??? where everyone can learn how to code for 100% free and without ad interruptions.
  • Create ???, a YouTube channel where we voice comics.

Sadly we don't have enough members to even start bringing these ideas to life. If you share the same interests with us and would like to join, we'll soon open applications.

Names & Logos

Cornered Key was through some name changes. First, Yorner was founded in August of 2022. That name was changed in a week to Gorner because of a dumb reason: Roblox moderation. And after a year of using Gorner, we changed to Cornered Key in August of 2023. No more name changes.

Hover over the logos to see their name!

Our Socials

YouTube Channel

Discord Server

TikTok Shorts

Twitter Feed

Cornered Key Timeline

All dates are formatted in YYYY/MM/DD on this timeline!

Click Here to Start at the Beggining

What's Next?

Glad you are part of this jorney!

2024/08/01 - Tactical Cells

The first ever recreation of Conway's Game of Life in GDevelop.

2024/06/16 - Website Launch

This is our thrid website, but the most polished one. We want to look at this as the official launch.

2024/04/02 - Protoslimes

A game for a school project to test out platformer and offline multiplayer mechanics.

2023/09/29 - First and last Book

Next to games we wanted to release books, but this failed after the first season of Crystal Clouds.

2023/08/18 - Cornered Key Studios Rebrand

Gorner wasn't creative and meaningful so we came up with Cornered Key representing our small team as the corner and the quality we are aiming for as the key.

2023/02/17 - Gorner Logo Redesign

This redesign gave the logo a more modern and fun feel.

2023/02/06 - Separaliens

Our first game released that was made with Gdevelop. Separaliens was made for a game jam.

2022/12/24 - Rage Blocks 2

This game originally made by KeMarcY was moved to the Gorner Games Roblox group.

2022/12/11 - Discord Server

The Discord server for Gorner Studios opened.

2022/08/18 - First Game Released

Our first game, The Last Survivors was released on Roblox.

2022/08/18 - Gorner Studios was Founded

Our team was founded by KeMarcY and Shadow.